The book is a thrilling adventure, trial, romance, tragedy and faith. William was one of the earliest missionaries sent out by the London Missionary Society, founded in 1795. He has been described as one of the great pioneers of South Africa, a true friend and champion of the coloured and indigenous peoples of the sub-continent.
Johanna his wife, of Dutch and French Huguenot descent, stood with him through all the joys and trauma of their life together - a woman of deep faith and courage.
The author is a great, great, great grandson of William and Johanna Anderson. He was born in Zimbabwe and after studying geography at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, taught in his home town of Bulawayo. Later he studied theology in London and in 1976 he and his late wife Geralyn moved to Taiwan and later Hong Kong and China to serve amongst the Chinese.
...a vivid, moving and sometimes heart-rending but always inspiring picture of pioneer missionary work in South Africa in the first half of the nineteenth century...I commend to one and all this tender but triumphant tale of adventure and high achievement for our Lord Jesus Christ. Read and be inspired. I was."
- Michael Cassidy
From 1991 to February 2005 Peter served as International Director of the Jian Hua Foundation (JHF), an NGO working in China in the fields of education, medical and social services, relief and development (JHF's webpage is Geralyn died of cancer in 1998. Peter married Elizabeth in 2000 and is currently on sabbatical in New Zealand (writing a book about China). He now serves as JHF's Representative-at-Large.
The Second Edition (2016) of Weapons of Peace. It is definitely a significant improvement on the 1995 edition as I had the help of a great editor and have added references, index, etc., as well as some new material. Also new maps, etc.
To obtain a copy of "Weapons of Peace" please email: Peter Anderson at
Address: 53 Maxwelton Drive, Mairangi Bay
Auckland 0630 New Zealand
Telephone 64 (0)9 528-5055
Ph: +64 (0) 9 476 0919; Fax: (09) 478 6312
Price: US$6.00 plus postage